Episode 4 Trailer

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max
sence it's almost the end of February and sence we're coming into March
which is around the time Sam & Max 204 comes out...when can we expect
the Trailer or any other spoiler things that will lead up to the coming of
Chariot of the Dogs?


  • edited February 2008
    Yeah, probably not for another 2 weeks.

    Episode 4 comes out mid March and we just passed mid Feburary so It's not as close as you think.
  • edited February 2008
    i think the first trailer will be out at the end of the next week or at the begin of the week after that
  • edited February 2008
    i really want at least one screenshot now
  • MelMel
    edited February 2008
    Someone had asked about the Episode 3 trailer and the answer was two weeks before the game comes out, so it'll be the same for this I'd imagine (and XChri5X said that as well).

    They're also at GDC right now and then have Wondercon so they're probably busy with that. :)
  • edited February 2008
    Mel wrote: »
    They're also at GDC right now and then have Wondercon so they're probably busy with that. :)

    We're HOME ALONE!
  • edited February 2008
    That's what you think! I may be tired from staying too long at the Steam party (woo Jonathan Coulton performance!) and possibly sick, but I'm definitely online :)
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    I second tabacco, except that I'm definitely sick.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Trailer and screenshots will be released next Wednesday. We're showing a little bit of the game at GDC, too, so there might be some previews out on Wednesday.
  • edited February 2008
    Next Wednesday? That's earlier than expected... can't wait. :)
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    NEXT WEDNESDAY!? man... thats too soon
  • edited February 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    NEXT WEDNESDAY!? man... thats too soon

    Nick didn't even know his deadline! :D
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    i just kinda didn't realize. and now I'm saddened :(
  • edited February 2008
    I think Nick should have more time. I remember being in the same situation multiple times for projects. Nick doesn't deserve the same doing! :D
  • edited February 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    NEXT WEDNESDAY!? man... thats too soon

    How come no one ever announced you were no longer an intern? Congrats! So who do we make fun of now?
  • edited February 2008
    Hero1 wrote: »
    How come no one ever announced you were no longer an intern? Congrats! So who do we make fun of now?

    I think we can still safely keep making fun of Nick.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Hero1 wrote: »
    How come no one ever announced you were no longer an intern? Congrats! So who do we make fun of now?

    hey thanks. I think Chris is officially the intern, although I don't think he's ever on the forums.
  • edited February 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    i just kinda didn't realize. and now I'm saddened :(

    good luck

    and i found your commentary on the s1 dvd well done (if a little late)
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    patters wrote: »
    good luck

    and i found your commentary on the s1 dvd well done (if a little late)

    ha! i didn't think anyone would find that. that's the worst thing I just shat out in 5 minutes, but thanks.
  • edited February 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    ha! i didn't think anyone would find that. that's the worst thing I just shat out in 5 minutes, but thanks.

    haha it was cos i was watching the commentaries on episodes then watched the trailers, I liked it cos it showed how a young person in video games thought about work etc
  • edited February 2008
    patters wrote: »
    good luck

    and i found your commentary on the s1 dvd well done (if a little late)

    How do I go about locating this slice of gold?
  • edited February 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Trailer and screenshots will be released next Wednesday. We're showing a little bit of the game at GDC, too, so there might be some previews out on Wednesday.

    next Wednesday?! yay i posted this thread just in time :D
  • edited February 2008
    How do I go about locating this slice of gold?

    wouldn't you like to know

    go to trailers and go to alternate audio whilst playing
  • edited February 2008
    i don't really know where dat is...
  • edited February 2008
    splash1 wrote: »
    i don't really know where dat is...

    what i did to discover it was to watch one of the commentaries on the cutscenes then watch the trailers or remotes often have an audio button where you should be able to switch between audio whilst playing the video
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    thats the only way to get to the "Secret Commentary Track" for a reason lol
  • edited February 2008
    well then i won't try and find the secret commentary because it's to hard :(
  • edited February 2008
    Really? Pressing the Audio button is too hard?
  • edited February 2008
    Maybe his button is very big...
  • edited February 2008
    i stupid....i don't know where it is
  • edited February 2008
    Check the buttons one by one, until you see the one labeled "Audio". It's usually at the very top or at the very bottom, but your mileage may vary.
  • edited February 2008
    is it on my keyboard?
  • edited February 2008
    It's only on PAL keyboards
  • edited February 2008
    where's that?
  • edited February 2008
    splash1 wrote: »
    is it on my keyboard?

    Wait... I thought you were talking about watching it on the DVD.

    In that case, I don't think there's a way to get the Nick Commentary (tm) via the videos on the site.
  • edited February 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Wait... I thought you were talking about watching it on the DVD.

    In that case, I don't think there's a way to get the Nick Commentary (tm) via the videos on the site.

    Maybe he's watching the DVD on his computer, and doesn't have a remote control for it.
  • edited February 2008
    Maybe he's watching the DVD on his computer, and doesn't have a remote control for it.

    If that's the case, then I revert to my previous instruction: look for the Audio button. DVD-playing software has all of the functions of a standard DVD remote.
  • edited February 2008
    if its media player right click on the video, go to audio and select the other option that isn't currently playing, i think it is similar for other products too
  • edited February 2008
    yay today's the day :)
  • edited February 2008
    splash1 wrote: »
    yay today's the day :)

    Woohoo! Looking forward to the trailer (hopefully it's up before I go to bed).
  • edited February 2008
    i wonder why Telltale isn't doing anything....was it something we said?!
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