Guitar Hero 3

Is anyone here a big fan of the Guitar Hero series? I've only ever played (and owned) the recent installment (3) due to my lack of console owning, but since I have a Wii I'm totally rocking out all over the place.
However, Hard makes my fingers feel like their going to drop off.
By the way, if anyone owns it on Wii, please PM me your friend code (I think there a specific in-game code for GH3) so we can have a match.

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I can't stand that Guitar Hero 3 spends so much time insulting you and talking crap about your guitar skills. That seems to entirely miss the point of the series, which is to make you feel like you're badass. If I want to be told that my guitar playing is crap, I can be told that from a guitar instructor. If I want to be told that I'm a true rock god, even though I've only just completed the first song ever on easy, I'll play Guitar Hero. The damn rock god simulator shouldn't be telling me that I am poor.
Also, wholly unrelated, I found it kind of amusing to hear Slash say in an interview that he couldn't beat himself (in boss form) in GH3.
And yeah, GH has a similar DLC price, but I'm not complaining about RB, I'm complaining about the MS Point system in general. It's all too easy to go through surprising amounts of money without even realising it. (Which is their intention, of course)
But it's all moot, since It'll be a good while before I can plunk down the cash for RB anyway. My main monetary focus at the moment is a guitar. (of the string variety)