Lee (The Walking Dead) in Poker Night 2?
Would it be possible to have Lee playable in this game?
It would be so awesome to see and play as him again.
It would be so awesome to see and play as him again.
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I really wish people who want Lee for this game would realize that.
I am the one with the cage in hand and you all are the shopkeeper.
And Lee is the parrot.
You do realize the Inventory is supposed to be a place where characters go when they're NOT in their game, right?
Lee cannot go anywhere. He's passed on.
As Brock says, they'll eat you alive
cough didn't stop
well ACTUALLY there's two...
yeah it does
You can't play as the characters, you play against them. Anyway, he isn't in the game.
There's a difference. The whole question of the thread was to ask if Lee was going to be playable. As in, have any voice lines, or maybe be one of the poker players.
Additional reasons for him showing up, is because he's based off a person from Telltale.
Either I'm an over-the-top character myself, or Tycho was just a normal guy.
Everybody has traits.
That's different than saying "crazy, over-the-top". I don't even want Lee in the game, my only point was that you don't have to be crazy to be a good character in Poker.
Lol at us talking about the a poker game potential canon and non-canon material
That being said, they could put Lee or Kenny in one and just go total Mel Gibson/Michael Richards with the "actor" in Poker. Just because they "act" one way, doesn't mean they "are" that way.
Also, Winslow's in the sequel too (and he properly addresses himself as Reginald Van Winslow in this one and he's listed as Winslow in the credits). He's also referred to as a pirate by Ash (IIRC), which was great to hear. I don't know how Telltale managed to get the rights to use the character's full name and background from Disney, since it seemed they called him The Host because of legal reasons last time (of course I don't know what their contract with LucasArts was to make Tales of Monkey Island either, so it could be they always had the full rights to use him).
They could also, in theory, go the other way and exaggerate amusing or notable character traits for the sake of comedy, but that can easily rub people the wrong way when it's done badly.
did i say i have a problem ? Noooooooooo