Hopes for chracters in PK3

I know that Poker night 2 just came out but I'm sure some other people already are hoping for in the next game.

Personally I'd love to see Lee from TWD, he would be a great straight man, and would probably play like Sam or Tyco, you could easily pair him up with Clem too.
As a second character I'd love to see Bosco from Sam & Max in the spotlight, he could be an insane bluffer and his conversations would play off of Lee well.
As a third character I'd like to see Carl from Aqua Team on Adult Swim, seeing how Poker Night 2 was able to get Brock it would be nice to see Carl and his hi-jinks.
And as the last character I think a great fit would be Archer from the FX Archer series, I'm sure it's a stretch but I believe he would be able to play off everyone else really well and is an all around funny character.
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