Grats on Episode 4!

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
It seems Telltale seem to be on a constant effort to improve on themselves, and this most recent episode has been no exception.

What Reality 2.0 did for season one, I think Chariots of the Dogs has done for season 2: i.e.; earn Telltale a whole lot of respect.
[nitpick]That said, they do lose a little respect for not paying attention in Physics lessons. The universe doesn't exist in time and space, it is time and space. It's not possible to stand outside it, or before it for that matter :p[/nitpick]


  • edited March 2008
    Chris1 wrote: »
    [nitpick]That said, they do lose a little respect for not paying attention in Physics lessons. The universe doesn't exist in time and space, it is time and space. It's not possible to stand outside it, or before it for that matter :p[/nitpick]

    I agree, I though everyone knew that. Apparently not.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Humor exists outside of time and space.
  • edited March 2008
    Will wrote: »
    Humor exists outside of time and space.

    As do these boards in fact.
  • edited March 2008
    Chris1 wrote: »
    It seems Telltale seem to be on a constant effort to improve on themselves, and this most recent episode has been no exception.

    What Reality 2.0 did for season one, I think Chariots of the Dogs has done for season 2: i.e.; earn Telltale a whole lot of respect.
    [nitpick]That said, they do lose a little respect for not paying attention in Physics lessons. The universe doesn't exist in time and space, it is time and space. It's not possible to stand outside it, or before it for that matter :p[/nitpick]

    Dude Sam & Max walked on the moon without aid of any space suits in 106... in fact they drove there. And in 202 they freely moved around underwater with no issues. they laws of physics are clearly no match for them and never have been. stepping outside of space and time is all in a day's work.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Also... how ridiculous is it that there's a chicken there?! Hardly scientific. :)
  • edited March 2008
    I think what's more ridiculous is that they float in the void of nothing but not in water. :p
  • edited March 2008
    I'd just expect a bit of silly dialog there noting what an odd situation this is, not objecting to the overall premise, it's just the dementedness of Sam & Max after all. :)
  • edited March 2008
    MaxFan wrote: »
    I'd just expect a bit of silly dialog there noting what an odd situation this is, not objecting to the overall premise, it's just the dementedness of Sam & Max after all. :)

    lol, that probably would have worked quite well.
    "Hey Max, how are you managing to stand outside time and space?"
    "That's none of your damn business, Sam."
  • edited March 2008
    I was thinking something more along the lines:

    Max: We must be here before the Planck time, no one knows how the physics work here.
    Sam: When did you have time to learn about cosmology, Max?
    Max: I don't play with dolls, Sam!

    Going with your line, though, Max might have mentioned his powers as High Priest, and that could've been quite funny, too.
  • edited March 2008
    Hah! shows how much attention YOU pay to physics! Multiple theories about the universe in theoretical physics could justify how something could exist outside the universe. I would explain it but i cant be bothered typing out pages of replies to the question. Although i think they are quite nicely summed up in steven hawkings "a brief history of time" and for people who want a less in depth view, the follow up title "a universe in a nutshell".
  • edited March 2008
    Hah! shows how much attention YOU pay to physics! Multiple theories about the universe in theoretical physics could justify how something could exist outside the universe. I would explain it but i cant be bothered typing out pages of replies to the question. Although i think they are quite nicely summed up in steven hawkings "a brief history of time" and for people who want a less in depth view, the follow up title "a universe in a nutshell".

    What about the follow-up follow-up Theoretical Physics using really, really small words so you morons who complained about my last books being dull can get your thick skulls around it?
  • edited March 2008
    oooh, where can i get that? it's not listed on amazon...

    ...anyway, from what i know about quantum physics and stuff nobody really has a clue what's going on. there are a bunch of nice theories, but in the end it could be totally different. so i deem it plausible that there was a chicken before the universe was born..
  • edited March 2008
    hopefully season 3 would be good.
  • edited March 2008
    from what i know, Quantum means that anything is possible, just highly unlikely.
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