Sam & Max Episode 204 - Impressions

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
I'm a Season 2 customer. First of all , this episode (204) is amazing! There is funny and cool story, and amazing ideas (SPOILER:
Time Travelling
). I really enjoyed this episode but I have some complains. This episode was way too shorter than the other episodes in Season 2 (It took me 2 days!). Also, it was easier than the other episodes in Season 2 (or I'm getting skilled...).
As a whole Season 2 customer, I would like episode 205 to be the best episode in the whole season (my favorite one right now is 204) as well as being longer, funnier and harder!

Best wishes for the Telltale Games team and everyone in this forum!


  • edited March 2008
    I reckon you must just be getting skilled.

    204 took me about 5 hours of continuous game play to get through - which is probably slightly less that 202/203, but with those I was only playing an hour at a time before having to quit (didn't have as much free time the weeks those were released).

    The puzzle difficulty level has been great in 202, 203 and 204 - not necessarily easy to work out, but elegantly solved after a bit of thought, or some last minute prompting from Max's hints if all else fails.

    204 is quite long, at least as long as 203 in my opinion. Perhaps you're just good at the twisted logic required to solve
    time travel
    based puzzles?
  • edited March 2008
    This was the first episode where I was able to get through without using a walkthrough- mostly, at least. I had to look at the bit where
    you have to freeze time with Bosco in the air
    , but that was it. Very rewarding, actually.
  • edited March 2008
    204 took me about 5 hours of continuous game play to get through - which is probably slightly less that 202/203, but with those I was only playing an hour at a time before having to quit (didn't have as much free time the weeks those were released).
    I haven't counted the hours but the other episodes took me longer to beat.
    This was the first episode where I was able to get through without using a walkthrough- mostly
    I haven't used hints\walkthrough at all! But, in the previous episodes I did. That's why I think this episode was easier.
    But still, this my favorite Season 2 episode!
  • edited March 2008
    I agree that the episode is pretty easy. Funny, the Season 2 games seem to get continuously less diffictult. I would rate them as follows:

    202 (most difficult)

    I really hope that 205 will be rather tough, since it is the season finale and takes place in hell (presumably).
  • edited March 2008
    Mario wrote: »
    I really hope that 205 will be rather tough, since it is the season finale and takes place in hell (presumably).
    Maybe there's a puzzle where you'll have to push a large rock up a hill and then it falls down again... and again... and again... :D
  • edited March 2008
    oh yeah that would be fun but wasnt that in the last simon the sorcerer game
  • edited March 2008
    Ahh! Its Hugh Bliss!
  • edited March 2008
    I really dont know how you can rate the sam and max games in terms of difficulty, due to the nature of how they work. The only thing i could think about to rank them on difficulty would be how obscure the answer to a puzzle is, but even then to some people it will come so obvious to them. I found this in 203 and 204, solving all the problems with ease because i've watched so many x-files and science fiction. I know other people found those eps particularly easy as well, but i just absolutely flew through without hardly thinking. Whereas in 202 i actually had to get a walkthrough to use the snail, because i just didnt make the connection (and maybe im just dum. it seems so obvious now).
  • edited March 2008
    One question...

    What happened to the other Sam and Max (you know, from Embarrassing Idol)? How did they survive the destruction of the space ship? And what about that contract the future S&M took from them? Didn't the S&M from the past need that contract to get inside the Mya Show?

    Okay, so I have more than one question. Sue me.
  • edited March 2008
    Nick wrote: »
    One question...

    What happened to the other Sam and Max (you know, from Embarrassing Idol)? How did they survive the destruction of the space ship? And what about that contract the future S&M took from them? Didn't the S&M from the past need that contract to get inside the Mya Show?

    Okay, so I have more than one question. Sue me.

    Past Sam and Max escape in the time elevator. Present Sam and Max solve the Myra puzzle without the contract.
  • edited March 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    you have to freeze time with Bosco in the air

    That is the easiest puzzle!
  • edited March 2008
    maybe for you. Clearly some people dont make the same mental connections as you, which is why gauging how hard each episode is is very difficult.
  • edited March 2008
    jaden551 wrote: »
    That is the easiest puzzle!
    When Max said that Bosco should hang in the air longer, I just didn't make the leap to "freeze time." I was looking for a way to increase the suction.
  • edited March 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    When Max said that Bosco should hang in the air longer, I just didn't make the leap to "freeze time." I was looking for a way to increase the suction.

    For that puzzle I had Bosco in the right position, but I was doing everything except clicking him. :o
  • edited March 2008
    Past Sam and Max escape in the time elevator.

    which leads to the question: Sam + Max + time elevator * spare time = ?
  • edited March 2008
    For that puzzle I had Bosco in the right position, but I was doing everything except clicking him. :o
    That happened to me too, actually.
    Clicking on Bosco... It seems so obvious, but it just never occurred to me.
  • edited March 2008
    This is the funniest episode too.
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