So was 204 the best sam & max episode yet?

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
what do you think


  • edited March 2008
    It sure was, i really hope telltale can see what works and who doesnt, like the 104 was the best, so was 204 the best of season 1 and 2 togther. the story, the mood, the jokes, and it all, puzles are cool and fun, and fit very well into the story.

    this was the episode ive enjoyed most :)
  • edited March 2008
    It's still a bit early, but I'd say currently (having only played through the game once, not gone back to look for more funny bits yet, I only play for the humor) I'd rate the games

    And everything else quite a bit below that. Some of the humor I liked. As soon as I saw the AI computer, I said, "when will they be making a 2001 reference?", but when they finally did was not the point I'd have expected. Alot with the Mariachis I thought was really funny, but there's just something I can't put my finger on these last two episodes that I haven't found them to be as funny as 105/104. Perhaps it's just that I've never been abducted by Mariachis and travelled through time so I don't relate ;)
  • edited March 2008
    MaxFan wrote: »
    Perhaps it's just that I've never been abducted by Mariachis and travelled through time so I don't relate ;)

    But you've entered a virtual world and defeated an embodiment of the internet? You've helped your closest friend win the presidential election, and destroyed a rampaging Abraham Lincoln statue? :p
  • edited March 2008
    Precisely, lol

    Err, well, there was that time with the virtual world...
  • edited March 2008
    Definately as it was interesting, had the right speed, right length, more interesting characters/dialogues, in reused locations they made serious changes (like the different moods, lot's of details, alone the changed theme for sam/max's office in the future was worth jumping there), they left out the otherwise annoying walkarounds through the clerverly placed time machine, the smooth animations and so on. For me this finally was on a LucasArts level in terms of fun!

    I like the comparison which RMJ1984 made with 104 as it's quite true. With 104, season 1 actually started beeing interesting. Beside of beeing curious about what comes next, and if my assupmtion might be right, i hope that for season 3 we won't have to wait till 304 for another nice adventure! ;O)
  • edited March 2008
    Looks like a resounding yes so far!
  • edited March 2008
    I'm not sure... I'm quite fond of 104 and 105 myself.
    It is definitely the best episode this season, I can say that.

    I also have a fond attachment to 101, as it was my first Sam & Max game ever.
  • edited March 2008
    It was definitely in the top 3 IMO.
  • edited March 2008
    nah I prefered 203 that was my fav
  • edited March 2008
    It's definitely close, but I'm not sure if I love it more than the rest because it was that good or because I remember it more due to playing it yesterday.
  • edited March 2008
    Probably I liked more the 203, but it was great anyway.
    The worst of season 2 was in my opinion the second.
  • edited March 2008
    Ok, having re-played half of it now and paying attention to how often I laughed, I'd revise my estimates to:


    Mostly because I laughed at simply EVERYTHING in 105, the gamer references :)
  • edited March 2008
    1. 204 because it's the most unique, crazy, and explains a lot, and therefore awesome.
    2. 105 because of the game references.
    3. 203 because of my unhealthy obsession with zombies.
  • edited March 2008
    I really, REALLY enjoyed this episode and continue to giggle at many of its gags and jokes at this very moment (I now have a tendacy to randomly exclaim "Banang!" now ;)). The writing was just exquisite and the ending,
    despite the fact I hate cliffhangers...
    , really hyped up my anticipation of the season finale to a boiling point. In short, great work Telltale. :)

    However, I'm going to be honest: while this episode dethrones 105 as my second favorite, 203 still ranks top in my book.

    BANANG!!! :p
  • edited March 2008
    right, 204 was a bit short in the zombie department...all other aspects were great though..

    the banang scene was totally hilarious.
  • edited March 2008
    "Abe Lincoln" is probably still my favourite episode, but "Chariots of the dogs" sure is great. Unlike many others I don't think 203 is one of the best episodes, so I'm really happy with what we got now.
  • edited March 2008
    For me the 1st half of 204 was pure unadulterated awesome, but IMO it wasn't so awesome in the second half. Pace seemed to slow down and just overall didn't seem as great. Can't explain why tho.
  • edited March 2008
    Mario wrote: »
    "Abe Lincoln" is probably still my favourite episode, but "Chariots of the dogs" sure is great. Unlike many others I don't think 203 is one of the best episodes, so I'm really happy with what we got now.

    Yeah I didn't think 203 was that great..the last half was good but I liked 202 better.. Loved 204 though :)
  • edited March 2008
    b'naaaannng!! <- that bit makes this episode an instant classic.. don't know if the best tho...
  • mremre
    edited March 2008
    I'd say that in terms of gameplay, 204 is most definitely the best episode so far with it's clever puzzles and overall well-balanced difficulty. Not to mention that the episode has significantly less traveling time than other episodes.
    Still, it doesn't quite reach the comedic genious of 105 and 104, and I'll have to say that is actually more important in these series.

    I'd give 204 the bronze.
  • edited March 2008
    One question...

    When the spaceship exploded at the end of 204, what happened to the other two Sam & Max from Embaressing Idol? Did they return back to where they came from? And what about the record contract that the future S&M took from them? Didn't they need it to get inside that Myra talk show? Just Curious.
  • edited March 2008
    "Present" Sam & Max had done it again using the contract Bosco had since Sam knew he could ask for it. Dunno how they acquired the funds, but it'd make sense. And then the Past Sam & Max wouldn't need to exist anyway since Present Sam & Max did all the stuff from the first season plus twice. Err, something like that.
  • mremre
    edited March 2008
    Nick wrote: »
    One question...

    When the spaceship exploded at the end of 204, what happened to the other two Sam & Max from Embaressing Idol? Did they return back to where they came from? And what about the record contract that the future S&M took from them? Didn't they need it to get inside that Myra talk show? Just Curious.

    IIRC, the past S&M took the time machine, presumably back to their own time (which is why present S&M had to find another way off the self-destructing space ship in the first place).

    There are a whole lot of time travelling paradoxes in this episode - most of them probably deliberately put in to poke fun at the genre. If you look around the various threads about the episode on the forum, you'll find there are a lot worse inconsistencies than that little detail. :)
  • edited March 2008
    I'm kinda used of time travel paradox games, I've played Day of the Tentacle.
  • edited March 2008
    When you go back into the room..the other sam & max jump in the time machine and quickly time travel outta there
  • edited March 2008
    I thought 204 was a little too easy.

    On the other hand, I would have complained if I had gotten stuck on a puzzle.
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