Strange Sam utterances in 204?

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
In the second part of the game, when Sam and Max returned from
The Embarassing Idol Set and two clones of the duo appear in the spaceship
, just stroll aimlessly and the game will play inexplicable speech samples in Sam's voice, and these samples seem to have nothing to do with this episode -- or for that matter, past episodes.

"I can't use a harpsichord with that."
"It's a charred remains of an Egyptian mummy."
"That doesn't need to be made radioactive"
"I don't think he wants that half-flushed sundae"
"I won't put my mouth to that"

Anyone notice that?


  • edited March 2008
    jup, quite nice, right? thats just the other sam mumbeling some adventuregamey stuff. the best line is where he is talking to himself about shooting his future self..
  • edited March 2008
    yeah! I thought it was brilliant, it is like there is an actual player controlling the other sam (or point and clicking his actions :p).
  • edited March 2008
    haha that was awesome! and max asked him in the middle "what's he doing?" and sam answered "wait a sec little buddy, it takes some time to choose the right thing to say". XD
  • edited March 2008
    I think they're references to other games.

    I'm pretty sure
    "I won't put my mouth to that"
    is from Full Throttle.

    I swear I've heard
    "That doesn't need to be made radioactive"
    from somewhere too. Was it in Simon 2?
  • edited March 2008
    I think it's "hot fudge sundae", not "half-flushed sundae". As interesting as that sounds.
  • edited March 2008
    Chris1 wrote: »
    I swear I've heard
    "That doesn't need to be made radioactive"
    from somewhere too. Was it in Simon 2?

    Maybe. You can get some mucusade with the radioactive symbol on it. :p
  • mremre
    edited March 2008
    Chris1 wrote: »
    I swear I've heard
    "That doesn't need to be made radioactive"
    from somewhere too. Was it in Simon 2?

    Sounds familiar, but I don't think that's where it's from... Maniac Mansion, maybe?
  • edited March 2008
    Yeah, I think it could be a reference to the radioactive water.
  • edited March 2008
    Chris1 wrote: »
    I think they're references to other games.

    I'm pretty sure
    "I won't put my mouth to that"
    is from Full Throttle.

    "I'm not putting my lips on that" actually. but it may still be a reference.
  • edited March 2008
    delimew wrote: »
    "I'm not putting my lips on that" actually. but it may still be a reference.

    I'm pretty sure "I'm not putting my lips on that" is a reference to Space Quest
  • edited March 2008
    Stop With The References, For The Love Of God Stop With The References! :D
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