About shocking Superball...?

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
Just was a little confused about how the thought of
. . . . . . . Stinky's . . . . . . . . .
would shock Agent Superball. After three run throughs of the game trying to pick up on why it is so, I couldn't find a thing. He only mentions what kind of things would shock him once (and you can't get that line again). I never used the walkthrough in my first run through, I got past it by accident. After looking at it now, there wasn't any explanation on it, just that it would shock him. So far every puzzle in the game made sense to me in some twisted way except this one. Could someone please enlighten me?


  • edited March 2008
    Stinky's is an unhygenic diner with bad food. The funny comes from the fact that the President having an affair doesn't shock Superball, but his taste in food does.
  • edited March 2008
    Seems to me when Sam read the letter when it was on the wall, it said they were meeting at Stinky's. So, if the letter contained the information, why'd Sam then need to tell Superball? Still funny, though.
  • edited March 2008
    It wasn't that the puzzle was convoluted, it was that the joke didn't carry through.
    It was the intention to set up that Superball believes that the President is above reproach, the greatest man who ever lived, etc. So he'd be shocked to learn that the President was having an affair. The twist that he doesn't care about the affair, but is upset that he'd eat at Stinky's, is where the comedy comes in. Or, I guess, the confusion.
  • edited March 2008
    whooo...i got it the first time. guess that make me pretty smart, huh?

  • edited March 2008
    I think the basic joke is (like most Superball jokes) that Superball is unmovable and emotionless. Most people would be shocked by the uh... "Colorful" contents of the letter, but not Superball. But for some odd reason, one thing that does shock him is dining in at Stinkey's.
  • edited March 2008
    Indeed, the reason that Superball stood guard was that the Pres was in the War Room, watching TV while
    Bosco's Mom is busy sampling his body fluid
  • edited March 2008
    ...unless Ms. Bosco never actually got the president's "spit" and quite possibly the only reason Bosco is who he is would be because of all this time travel stuff (and that Sam and Max got the pres' spit so that Bosco could actually exist). Ah, you gotta love time travel paradoxes.
  • edited March 2008
    Oh that was it Chuck. I totally overlooked that part. The whole "he's so pure" idea fills in that gap now making the original intention of the letter have some meaning now. Much more believable.
  • edited March 2008
    Is there any way opening the war room?
  • edited March 2008
    Not unless there's a war going on.
  • edited March 2008
    ..or you're playing 104.
  • edited March 2008
    All will be revealed in 205. Thanks to his mysterious past, superball is closer to the new stinky than any of you guessed. Thats why he was so shocked not so much at the fact the president was going to stinkys, but that stinkys was even mentioned is what really shocked him.
  • edited April 2008
    ...would explain his jobs for a malevolent cult, and undead nightclub...and of course the us government.
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