Major Plot Hole in 204? (with spoiler protection)

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
Does anyone know how the whole Annoying Idol sequence is supposed to work? as Sam and Max are supposedly stuck in the past but how are they supposed to get through series one again as they no longer have the contract and the show broke up?


  • edited March 2008
    Check behind Bosco's counter.... he already has a completed contract, so perhaps they just went and asked Bosco for it?
  • edited March 2008
    Molokov wrote: »
    Check behind Bosco's counter.... he already has a completed contract, so perhaps they just went and asked Bosco for it?
    Not just another Contract, but everything they "needed to solve last years cases"
  • edited March 2008
    To be fair, by going back in time and altering the time stream they had advanced knowledge that Hugh Bliss was behind it. They probably could have made the jump on him and pasteurized him while he was still hanging out in the W.A.R.P. studio.
  • edited March 2008
    They could have gotten another contract.
  • edited March 2008
    Mirko wrote: »
    Not just another Contract, but everything they "needed to solve last years cases"

    This is what I think happened. Between them asking Bosco during 106 if he had the various things they could have used for 101-105 and the fact that they saw said stuff in 204, they probably just went back to Bosco for the contract.
  • edited March 2008
    I try not to think about the temporal anomalies of 204. They just make my head hurt.
  • edited March 2008
    Hopefully TT takes no offense, but I think they were a bit sloppy with the
    time travel issue,
    resulting in various loop holes. However, dealing with
    time travel
    in a story isn't an easy to do, so it is understandable that there are some abnormally in the ep.

    One thing that bothered me was why
    past Sam wanted to go to the moon for an upcomming case? i mean, I know what case he is referring to, but they didn't know that they had to go to the moon until ep 5. The only reason I can think of is an unexplained and unrelated case that happens during the events in season 1 or it is the badside of the moon case(don't remember if the badside photo is present in ep 1 and 2.)

    With that said, didn't S and M go to the moon before for the badsite of the moon case? That is if they have already taken that case before the start of season 1?

    My theory is that the
    time stream has been branched out as two either when Sam and Max altered time by making Max liking girls or when past Sam and Max took the time machine and left modern Sam and Max in season 1. Because the time stream was split, I think past Sam and Max will develop into meaner and eviler versions of Sam and Max. Sounds crazy, but I always want to see evil versions of Sam and Max much like the mirror universe in Star Trek
  • mremre
    edited March 2008
    Actually, I just don't see why everyone's so upset about this. I mean, in the old comics, S&M drive their DeSoto to the moon, ancient Egypt and the Third Reich! In the very first comic, the villain is "defeated" by accidental spontaneous combustion!

    Simply put: No, this is not the setting for a realistic plot nor is it intended to be. Heck, if it weren't more full of plot holes and weird (and convenient!) coincidences than the cheesiest of the cheesy pulp 50's/60's novels, it just wouldn't be the Sam & Max that we all love and cherish.
  • edited March 2008
    doom saber wrote: »
    One thing that bothered me was why
    past Sam wanted to go to the moon for an upcomming case? i mean, I know what case he is referring to, but they didn't know that they had to go to the moon until ep 5. The only reason I can think of is an unexplained and unrelated case that happens during the events in season 1 or it is the badside of the moon case(don't remember if the badside photo is present in ep 1 and 2.)

    With that said, didn't S and M go to the moon before for the badsite of the moon case? That is if they have already taken that case before the start of season 1?

    I think that's it -
    the past Sam & Max used the time machine, messed about, went back to their present time, finished Season 1, then went to the spaceship. It's time travel so they could do any amount of things between the two. The fact that we don't know how Sam & Max got to the moon at the start of 106 could add to the fact that they could have asked their future selves/got the screwdriver/etc. The only thing that could possibly cause a plot hole that way is Sam saying that they had to go through the last year all over again, which even then can be explained using the aforementioned branch theory.

    All in all, you can explain it the way George Lucas explains plot holes by saying "The Force", except with time travel.;)
  • edited March 2008
    the funny thing is that time travel doesn't work at all and most probably never will. also, nobody knows how time travel would effect the present. there are different theories in various media, but i don't think any of them is scientificaly enough to be taken serious. so, they can do whatever they want and as long as it's entertaining you shouldn't worry to much.
  • edited March 2008
  • edited March 2008
    The black wizard is actually a Mariachi.
    It's right, though. This is sam and max, therefore causality does not exist. If you throw a rock in a straight line on Earth, it travels along that line until it hits something or is captured by gravity. In S&M, can you honestly say you would expect it to do the same? Personally, I'd get it one in five odds of turning into a small glass pot of gooseberry jam.
    So, uh, yeah, a wizard did it.
  • edited March 2008
    I agree that this is a plothole.

    But my theory is that it's all a side-effect of Telltale's episodic nature. I'll bet there are strict deadlines; not just for the episodes but I'm guessing there's a deadline to have the plot nailed down before work on each episode starts.
    Yet if someone has a good idea for the next Episode, it would be a shame to have it thrown out because of a small detail in a previous episode, which now couldn't be changed.
  • edited March 2008
    Also it's a game about a talking dog and rabbit who solve crime. If you're that concerned about continuity, you're probably a fan of the wrong franchise.
  • edited March 2008
    Are you implying that animals can't talk? So... Wishbone is a lie? I refuse to believe it.
  • edited March 2008
    Not Wishbone! huh.gif
  • edited March 2008
    Is this the face of a liar? I think not!

  • edited March 2008
    Yeah! What's the story, Wishbone? HUH? What's the story!?!
  • edited March 2008
    Second best show evar.
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