About Lucasarts' president...
I've seen many articles about Jim Ward leaving LucasArts and about how his interim replacement is Lucasfilm's Howard Roffman.
I think I know who Howard Roffman is...
Click on this link:
Now click on this link:
When I looked on both of those sites, I was thinking "no freakin' way, this can't be real". I'm pretty sure both the Howard Roffman who works for LucasArts and the Howard Roffman who works for... well, the other company... are the same person. Both bios indicate their Howard Roffman had Philadelphia roots, and the pictures of both of them look very similar to me.
Don't believe me? Look at this picture...

Now look at this picture...

Oh, and by the way, this is not an April Fool's joke. Look at the date I posted this. Does it even say 4/1/08?
I think I know who Howard Roffman is...
Click on this link:
Now click on this link:
When I looked on both of those sites, I was thinking "no freakin' way, this can't be real". I'm pretty sure both the Howard Roffman who works for LucasArts and the Howard Roffman who works for... well, the other company... are the same person. Both bios indicate their Howard Roffman had Philadelphia roots, and the pictures of both of them look very similar to me.
Don't believe me? Look at this picture...

Now look at this picture...

Oh, and by the way, this is not an April Fool's joke. Look at the date I posted this. Does it even say 4/1/08?
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This is easily one of the craziest things I've read about lately. Man...
yeah you people kinda need to warn us about those things... ugh...
at first i was was like... wtf did just happen? this some kinda sick joke?
your neighbor or something?
It was a good thing I overlooked those sites and instead, clicked on Haggis's Wiki link; I am at a very public and crowded room, using a campus pc and the last thing I want to be caught with is looking at photos that are NFWS.
Not Free Wax Sunday?
Not For Walrus Snacks?
Not For Work Safe?
In fact the whole site is pretty tasteful, and while you might get embarrassed if caught looking at it at work, there's really nothing that I could see that would get you in much trouble.
yeah... just the looks. and colorful jokes in the break room.
and bye bye bosses secretary.
I checked the site at a more secure and private place and yeah, you are right. Although, lookng at photos of topless men isn't my cup of tea(I prefer topless chicks,) the site is tasteful and not NSFW as the previous poster claimed it was; it isn't as bad the ads seen on myspace or any other site.
Or we can bombard Lucasarts with angry phone calls demanding that Rodriguez (or any employee who answers) treat "Sam and Max: Freelance Police" with respect and stop throwing it under the bus. It needs to be released this year! It's been long enough!
I wasn't paying attention, but it would seem that, at least according to Waitohooru, Roffman was the interim replacement, acting as president temporarily in the time after Ward left but before Rodriguez was chosen. Don't know if that's true (and too lazy to check), but it seems plausible and doesn't contradict anything. Just funny timing that the permanent replacement was chosen so soon after this post about the temporary replacement was made.
And what's this "Star Wars" I keep hearing about... is that like "Battle of the Network Stars" or something?