Sam & Max on Twitter!

xtrmntrxtrmntr Telltale Alumni
edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
Friends, Romans, Telltale Forum Users... Lend me your ears!
  1. First of all... What the heck is a Twitter?!? Well, here's a brief summary: And to put it even *more* briefly, it's sort of like a text only version of myspace or facebook that you can use via IM or text messages. So after you sign up and "add" your friends then any texts or IMs that you send to Twitter will automatically get forwarded on to all your contacts. Bored at school? See something hilarious on the bus? Feeling hungry/sleepy/angry? Just tell it Twitter and now everyone will know!
  2. OK, so now that you know what Twitter is, why should you care?! Well, you may be surprised to learn that you already have two friends who are active users! One is "a six-foot tall canine shamus with a love of justice," and the other is "a hyperkinetic rabbity-thing with a taste for violence and an oversized Luger." That's right, thanks to some creative PHP stuff and text file formatting that tabacco and I worked on last week, Sam and Max are active participants on Twitter! Have you ever wondered what Max is up to at 7 in the morning?! Wonder no more! (Incidentally, he's more likely than not doing "ear exercises")
  3. Anyway, if you've already read this far then I'll assume that I haven't completely bored and/or confused the bejeesus out of you and that you'll probably be looking for some links so that you can see Sam & Max's Twitter web pages in all their sky-blue glory.

So check it out, and if you do sign up for an account (or have one already!) then by all means add Sam & Max to your network. I promise you, there is something almost magical about getting gleefully misanthropic text messages and IMs from Max and mystifying philosophical ruminations from Sam at all hours of the day. Makes me laugh to beat the band anyhow... :D

Any questions or comments, drop a reply in this thread and Doug and I will be glad to help you out!


  • edited April 2008
    Spam? That was my first reaction when I seen this thread, but then realize it was posted by someone with a telltale games title underneath his/her avatar.

    Is Twitter any better than facebook or myspace?
  • xtrmntrxtrmntr Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    As far as I can tell, Twitter is less about trying to accumulate as many "friends" as you can & obsessively preening your profile and more of just a super-minimalist blogging kind of thing. One fun thing you can do with it is "track" certain keywords and you'll get an alert whenever anybody on the whole network mentions it. So for instance I have it set up to track various swear words, which provides me with a pretty amusing stream of updates from people who are upset about a variety of crazy stuff.
  • edited April 2008
    (Also, xtrmntr is Eric, our Web Producer)
  • edited April 2008
    Hahaha! I applaud you, sir! Sadly, Facebook has been going down the same road as MyWasteOfSpace lately... what with their addition of the ability to produce web applications and throw them into one's profile. I've removed people (real life friends I see daily) from my list because of the unnecessarily large amount of applications they have. What's the point of going to someone's profile if you have to wait 10 minutes for "Super Wall" or "Beer Pong" or "Sex Me Up" applications to load? I'm minimalist in my approach, and had only one extra application (a Puzzle Pirates one) until I found out it was kinda broken, then removed it.

    ...Also when I see "Twitter" I think Tweeter, like the brand of... stereos I think? I don't know. I just know there's some place called the Tweeter Center somewhere in Massachusetts.
  • xtrmntrxtrmntr Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    On the topic of Puzzle Pirates, has anybody tried out Three Rings' "Whirled" yet?

    I played the LOLCaptions game for a couple of hours the other day. It's pretty addicting!
  • edited April 2008
    xtrmntr wrote: »
    As far as I can tell, Twitter is less about trying to accumulate as many "friends" as you can & obsessively preening your profile and more of just a super-minimalist blogging kind of thing. One fun thing you can do with it is "track" certain keywords and you'll get an alert whenever anybody on the whole network mentions it. So for instance I have it set up to track various swear words, which provides me with a pretty amusing stream of updates from people who are upset about a variety of crazy stuff.

    Oh? Just the other day, I was looking for a more "private" or impersonal blogging site where I can write about things that bothers me in an inimate level; I could have sworn that I made a thread on the general discussion page, askin for a good blog site. If Twitter is not about making friends, but more about writting about crap, then I should try it. Thanks, Xtrmntr!
  • edited April 2008
    Hahaha! I applaud you, sir! Sadly, Facebook has been going down the same road as MyWasteOfSpace lately... what with their addition of the ability to produce web applications and throw them into one's profile. I've removed people (real life friends I see daily) from my list because of the unnecessarily large amount of applications they have. What's the point of going to someone's profile if you have to wait 10 minutes for "Super Wall" or "Beer Pong" or "Sex Me Up" applications to load? I'm minimalist in my approach, and had only one extra application (a Puzzle Pirates one) until I found out it was kinda broken, then removed it.

    ...Also when I see "Twitter" I think Tweeter, like the brand of... stereos I think? I don't know. I just know there's some place called the Tweeter Center somewhere in Massachusetts.

    I agree. Facebook seems to be a sellout of sorts where they allow anyone to sign up; I don't mind that too much, but they try to be mainstream like myspace with havin ads(I think they removed that feature because a lot of ppl complained) and making profiles private. I understand having profiles private is to protect one from being harassed on the net or to have privacy so as only your real life friends can see you. Like you said before IJ, what is the point to have a site where ppl you see every day have access to your profile?

    I guess I am ranting since I liked the old facebook format where you can look at the ppl you went to school and see how they've change or are now dating or check on a peer to screen for roommates.

    Well,I should start postin blogs on Twitter, considerin how I don't want some ppl I know in real life read the stuff I write in blogs; I don't write bad about them, but I tend to open up at times and there are a few ppl on my friend's list (about one person) who would actually think less of me and treat me in person as such if I did.
  • xtrmntrxtrmntr Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Hope anybody who signed up to try this out is enjoying their midnight messages from Sam & Max! I forget whether this is on by default, but I just wanted to point out that you can configure your Twitter account to *not* alert you to new messages during a predefined period each day (say from midnight to 10 am =) on your prefs page here:

    And that you can also customize whether messages go to your IM or cell phone in the prefs as well:
  • edited April 2008
    Haha! This looks really amusing, i'll have to try it. xD

    And joined. You can find me there as Jade_Gryphon...though, the whole thing's just a little confusing to me. Meh, I'll get used to it though. ^^
  • edited April 2008
    I just signed up "sillybob"
  • edited April 2008
    Cool. I signed up to twitter a few weeks ago and I've been hoping something like this would happen! :)
  • xtrmntrxtrmntr Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Another interesting Twitter thing to check out:

    Realtime updates of every time "Sam & Max" is mentioned on Twitter!
  • edited April 2008
    I just hopped on the bandwagon... is there a basic plot to this or is it just random statments from each of them that have no relation to each other whatsoever?
  • xtrmntrxtrmntr Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    The dialog is pretty much random. However we did start with the episode 101 script & we'll be adding to it, presumably in order, as we go. Also we separated out some phrases to use as "directed" messages (i.e. with the @ symbol) between Sam & Max. Anyway, that's a cool idea to introduce new plot elements over time though! If people here weren't already so busy with other projects, maybe we could rig something like that up in the "off-season" =)
  • MelMel
    edited April 2008
    I just signed up. (I'm hikermel)

    I also have to say xtrmntr's avatar is my favorite here. :) That's the cutest tomato I've ever seen (knowing my luck, it isn't supposed to be cute)
  • edited April 2008
    I believe it's from one of the cans in Bosco's in season one :)
  • MelMel
    edited April 2008
    Really?! Cool. Now I'll have to go back to one of those Season 1 games and see if I can find it. :p
  • edited April 2008
    I signed up! It'll probably be one of those things that I use for a couple of days and then completely forget about, but oh well! :D
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