Nintendo Forgets What Day April Fools Is (2DS Thread)
Nintendo announced the 2DS today, a new entry-level handheld system. The 2DS will be available for $129.99 on October 12th (the same day as Pokemon X and Y) and features a slate-like design rather than the clamshell seen on DS and 3DS models.
The 2DS is fully compatible with all 3DS and DS games but does not include the ability to display games in 3D. It still features all the functionality of 3DS (WiFi, local multiplayer, etc.) and can be put to sleep using a slider that replicates closing the clamshell on a standard 3DS. WiFi can still be turned off, though it’s done via controls in the software rather than with a physical switch.
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It isn't that bad I've never used 3D and only really got the 3DS for the games...
It's not using Sterio??
Also, what are the games going to have on them now? They surely can't have 3DS on the spine if they play on the 2DS...
They already took out half the sound, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to take out the other half.
The lack of a hinge probably reduces production costs further and has one less thing that a kid could conceivably break.
Nah its not such a bad idea Dashing.
It looks oddly comfy and if you play games indoors anyway Then I don't see why you couldn't just play it and put it in a draw or something.
The only annoying thing I think is the design and the cheaping out on not using larger screens.
(At least make the screens about the same size. -_-)
It would have been nice if it had included the circle pad pro stuff in it, (it certainly looks like it would have the room for it ergonomics wise), but only like 3 or 4 games use that anyway so its not a huge gripe.
(Plus it looks kind of silly because of the slanting, but meh, its not a huge deal in the long run)
Plus its pretty cheap.
EDIT: I really hope nintendo put a good battery in this. Because if it had better battery life then I think people might actually start to take it more seriously!
Oh, also:
They're going to be selling $13 cases for that.
Guess I can't really complain(or care) because it doesn't affect me, but that design...
I'm sure you and the four other people who own a Vita feel the same way.
And it's kinda lacking great games...
If they'd design it like the other DS-models I'd say it's superior to the 3DS. I really don't care for the 3D feature and it can do anything the 3DS can except for that? And is cheaper? Yes please!
But then again I cannot imagine playing on screens that are smaller than the ones on the XL.
Uncharted Golden Abyss-Up to the same quality as the PS3 titles and great graphics and gameplay.
Gravity Rush-Hands down the best Vita game in my opinion. The soundtrack is excellent. The graphics are great, Story is brilliant, gameplay is good and fun.
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time-One of the best Vita games made. Its a full PS3 game ported to Vita and unlike Ratchet & Clank QForce Vita or Jak 1 HD. The framerate is not crap, the game controls well, and its the best attempt at bringing a full PS3 game to Vita and it pulled it off greatly.
PS All-Stars-It may not be as good as Smash Bros but for what it is, its a fun multiplayer brawler
Little Big Planet Vita-Its basically all the fun of LBP2 on the go and the ability to download levels and has great controls and gameplay and is extremely fun.
Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation. Its a fun AC game which has the same gameplay and even features a new disguise feature
Rayman Origins-Its the same as the console versions and extremely fun to have on the go.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed-The console version on Vita again and its an extremely fun racer for Vita
Wipeout 2048-Another fun racer on Vita
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection-It has MGS 2 & 3 HD and it is the same fun game and the framerate is good unlike a other certain port of a PS2 game.
Mortal Kombat-The console version on Vita and it is a really fun fighter.
Ha ha.
I have a vita, I can confirm this.
That's the first thing i thought when i saw it as well.
So at least 40% of Vita users use these forums, by my calculations...
As for Remote Play, that would be a good feature if it had a good library of games playable. Right now all I can remember is the Pixeljump games,Lego Batman,God of War Collection,Lair,BeJeweled 2, and Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection. You don't need a PS3 for the Vita to be great. The Vita does have great games (Gravity Rush is brilliant in my opinion).
Some people are on a tight budget. And I think many kids would be thrilled with this.
It's another option for consumers. Some people reacting to this (not necessarily on this forum) sound like a bunch of overly negative gaming snobs.
There are no white XLs in the US?
We have blue and red. Ugly pieces of shit.
in Germany: Blue, Red, Pink, White, Grey, Black.
Plus several special Editions: Blue with Fire Emblem Decal, Pikachu (yellow), Animal Crossing.
NoA has a history of fucking us all over.
But if Europe is getting cool stuff then I don't know