What's better? season 1 or 2

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
What do you think?


  • edited April 2008
    season 2 ftw 8D
  • edited April 2008
    No question about it.
  • edited April 2008
    I've only played Season 1 and I still think Season 2's better.
  • edited April 2008
    No question about it, season 2 is better. The puzzles are more interesting and the storytelling has been greatly refined. In season 1 I think they were a little too concerned about making each episode stand alone. But when you compare season 1's finale to season 2's finale, it's easy to see they made the right choice with season 2. It was just so epic.

    I guess my only question is, will they have to keep season 3 less interconnected in order to build up more continuity? Season 2 only had three stand-alone episodes before the essentially two-part finale, so it benefited from being able to build upon season 1's wide array of plots, locations, villains, and characters. I almost feel like season 3 will need to "start over".
  • FloFlo
    edited April 2008
    Tough choice.

    Season One felt more consistent, whereas Season Two was a bit of a "love it (201, 203, 204) or hate* it (202, 205)" rollercoaster for me.

    * "Hate" actually is too strong a word, but those are two episodes I feel no urge to replay (sorry :().

    Overall I'd go with Season Two because the "highs" are just that much higher and more than make up for the two episodes I don't like that much.
  • edited April 2008
    Definitely 2. It's just a vast improvement over 1 in pretty much every way.
  • edited April 2008
    Well THIS was a fairly unnecessary poll. :P Right now the main thing from Season 1 that I wish was carried into the second season was the number of episodes - then I'd be happily awaiting another one next month. Ah well... I'm pretty sure the actual content of these 5 episodes greatly exceeds that of the first 6.
  • edited April 2008
    completely pointless poll haha
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