Bone One Volume Edition back in print

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
I meant to post about this on Friday but it completely slipped my mind...

The One Volume Edition of Jeff Smith's Bone, which collects all of the original black and white comics in one huge book, went out of print about a year ago and has been selling for high prices on Amazon and eBay ever since. Scholastic originally discontinued the One Volume Edition to make way for their colorized reprints (which are awesome in their own right), but due to reader demand they've decided to bring the One Volume Edition back into print as well. It will be out in September.

Heather recently leant me her One Volume Edition (which is signed by Jeff with a sketch of Smiley and a Rat Creature on the flyleaf) so I could catch up on the whole Bone saga, but I've hesitated to bring it home with me for fear of it befalling some kind of catastrophic coffee or red wine related accident. Now I can give it back to her and buy a copy of my very own. (Although, considering the recent Sea Monkey Massacre, I'm not so sure it's safe on Heather's desk, either...)

Now, if only the reprint gods would surprise us with a rerelease of Surfin' the Highway!
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