Sam & Max vs. the Wii

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
Mega-update, April 4, 2008: Sam & Max Wii is now a reality! Look here for the details.

News flash, Friday afternoon: They took notice! We got a phone call from Nintendo this afternoon. We'll take it from here - please don't email them anymore!

A funny thing happened last Tuesday at around lunchtime. An email landed in my inbox titled "Sam & Max for the Wii/Mac?" That's not the funny part. I (along with about ten other people in the company) get the email sent to Telltale's feedback account forwarded to me, and now and then someone writes in asking about certain platforms or proclaiming their undying love and devotion to Telltale's episodic model. The funny part was when, less than a minute later, I got another email with the subject "Sam & Max & Wii?" The first was from someone in Detroit; the second was from Sweden. Coincidence? I think not.[readmore]

In spite of the uncanny timing, it took two more emails before I put aside the very important marketing work I was doing to go in search of the source. Several days earlier, Mixnmojo (the best place to get Telltale-related news other than Telltale's own blog!) picked up on a comment Dan made during one of his PAX appointments about the fact that Sam & Max would be a good fit for the Wii. That had been on Mojo a few days already, and we hadn't received any mail about it, so it seemed odd that it would only now be generating a bunch of responses. Then a quick query on Blogger turned up this post on GoNintendo, which highlights the same quote from PAX that Mojo picked up on, and takes it one step further by inviting readers to email Telltale and encourage us to bring Sam & Max to the Wii.

In just a few hours, we received over a dozen enthusiastic emails to the feedback address about bringing Sam & Max to the Wii -- not bad considering that address usually only gets about one or two emails a week, and those are usually spam. (And I don't know how many other emails may have been sent to various Telltale addresses for which I am not on the recipient list.) I meant to write back to each and every one of the people who emailed the feedback address, but that aforementioned marketing work got the better of me. So, in one fell swoop, here's Telltale's official stance on the Wii issue:

We'd love to bring Sam & Max to the Wii. We already think it's a good fit (as evidenced by Dan's comment at PAX). In fact, Heather brought up way back in January how great the Wii controller would be for an adventure game (of course, back then it was called the Revolution... what kind of a dumb name is that?), and we're great fans of Adventure Gamers' recent article on the subject. Thing is, us thinking it's a great idea isn't enough. We need the guys at Nintendo to agree. And with a company as big as Nintendo, getting noticed by the right people can be tricky.

If you want to keep emailing us about how great Sam & Max would be on the Wii, please do. It's great to see how many people are interested in this sort of thing (and we know that for every mail we get, there are a bunch more of you out there who didn't write). But it would be even better if you'd contact Nintendo and tell them what a great idea it is. Maybe if enough fans write in, they'll take notice?

Don't bother with an online petition though. We all know those don't do any good.

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