Situation: Comedy review round-up #2

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
Part of the beauty of this episodic thing is that with games coming out monthly -- and shorts coming out weekly in between -- there's always something Sam & Max-y going on. (Well, it's beautiful in theory. In practice it can be a little overwhelming...) In the true spirit of episodic content, today we bring you another list of episode 2 reviews... on the very day that episode 3 launched on GameTap! Of course this means that episode 3 reviews are starting to trickle out. (So far, so good.) We'll have some links to those post haste.

Till then, bask in this Situation: Comedy goodness:

English Foreign Language As always, if I missed anyone, my humblest apologies. Coming tomorrow: episode 3 reviews!
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