"Secret Writing Project X"
Former Telltale Staff
Last month, eagle-eyed players may have noticed an extra name scroll by in the "Written By" area of Situation: Comedy's closing credits. One "Jeff Lester," to be precise. More recently, those same players (and human-eyed players as well) may have noticed that in The Mole, The Mob, and The Meatball, Jeff's name got a lot bigger, and muscled its way from the closing credits to the opening ones. Who the heck is this guy?[readmore]
Starting with episode two, Dave and Brendan decided that it was time to get a few more hands on deck in the dialog department. While those two guys, Steve Purcell, and the rest of the Telltale design squad still hash out the scenarios, the plot, the puzzles, and write a good portion of the dialog, these games have a lot of talking. For instance, Sam and Max combined have well over a thousand lines per episode (sometimes getting close to two thousand), which is a heap of dialog to write every month!
In the search for more writers, Jeff fell into our lap by way of being thrown there by his longtime friend, Telltale animator Tim Reardon. As for the results, I think that everyone will agree that we couldn't be happier with the writing of episodes two and three. My favorite part, though, is that (though I didn't know it at the time) Jeff is a lifelong Sam & Max fan. Apparently this is a man who has spent the last twenty years in love with the comics, citing the Epic Color Collection as one of his favorite books of all time. Clearly an awesome guy!
Jeff has written up a bit about his experience working on episodes two and three in his blog - wherein he's been referring to the gig as "Secret Writing Project X" for the last few months. All are encouraged to give it a read and send him a good word for his excellent contribution to the games!
Starting with episode two, Dave and Brendan decided that it was time to get a few more hands on deck in the dialog department. While those two guys, Steve Purcell, and the rest of the Telltale design squad still hash out the scenarios, the plot, the puzzles, and write a good portion of the dialog, these games have a lot of talking. For instance, Sam and Max combined have well over a thousand lines per episode (sometimes getting close to two thousand), which is a heap of dialog to write every month!
In the search for more writers, Jeff fell into our lap by way of being thrown there by his longtime friend, Telltale animator Tim Reardon. As for the results, I think that everyone will agree that we couldn't be happier with the writing of episodes two and three. My favorite part, though, is that (though I didn't know it at the time) Jeff is a lifelong Sam & Max fan. Apparently this is a man who has spent the last twenty years in love with the comics, citing the Epic Color Collection as one of his favorite books of all time. Clearly an awesome guy!
Jeff has written up a bit about his experience working on episodes two and three in his blog - wherein he's been referring to the gig as "Secret Writing Project X" for the last few months. All are encouraged to give it a read and send him a good word for his excellent contribution to the games!
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