The Grickle contest's cringeworthy winners...
Former Telltale Staff
We asked (again), and you listened! This time around we had over a dozen entries for our "tell us your awkward story, win a rare, signed copy of Grickle" contest. Graham picked through them to select his two favorites, then slaved over a hot drawing table to illustrate them to perfection. Our lucky winners, Todd Kolbuck and Jude Austin, will be receiving two of the last remaining copies of Graham's first book, Grickle, on their doorsteps in the near future. Autographed, no less. Here's one of the winning entries, for your cringing pleasure. The other one will be dragged onto this very blog, kicking and screaming, later in the week. Many thanks to everyone who entered, and to Graham for supplying the prizes and illustrating the winning entries! |
Grickle Contest Winner #2
The Story that STILL Makes Me Cringe
by Todd Kolbuck
When I was about 17, I had a part-time job working at a big box toy store. I was hired, along with 20 other people to cover the Christmas rush. One of the girls I worked with was absolutely gorgeous, and I offered to drive her home on a particularly cold winter's night.
So we're in the car, but I'm so intimidated by how attractive she is that I can barely think or speak.
I'm working up the nerve to say something smart, when she asks me, "So, where do you live?"
I very suavely replied... "I'm not sure".
The rest of the ride home was very VERY quiet.
Thankfully, a few months later, she transferred out to the west coast and I didn't have to face her IN PERSON ever again.
However... about a year later... in a funny twist of fate, it turned out she had become a professional model! A successful one I suppose, she had her picture in virtually every store in the mall where I worked!
I couldn't go for lunch or walk out to my car without remembering that conversation.
It's been 15 years, and it STILL makes me cringe.
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