New Sam & Max MP3 downloads!

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
It's been a while (months!) since the last soundtrack update, but happier times are here at last! Our composer, Jared Emerson-Johnson (hailing from Bay Area Sound) found some time between episodes 5 and 6 to bounce out some new MP3s for all to enjoy! So, yes, we've added four new tracks from Sam & Max Season 1 to the Sam & Max Soundtracks page, which you should hurry up and go download.

From episode 3 we have "Ted E Bear's Mafia-Free Playland and Casino" (the track which plays on the casino floor), from episode 4 we have "Lincoln vs. Max" (which plays on the White House lawn) and "Consecutive Office" (the background for the Oval Office under two different ruling powers), and we have a sneak peak from episode 5, Reality 2.0, called "Combat Begin!!" Download and enjoy!
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