Bonus weekend surprise update
Former Telltale Staff
Also up this weekend is some new Bone content! (Fancy that!)
New Bone Wallpaper! Browsing over to the bottom of the Bone Wallpapers & Avatars page will net you a new Cow Race wallpaper, which we put together for our demo booth PC at last month's Independent Games Festival.
Bone Soundtrack Labels! Many months back, Telltale forumite Laserschwert revealed that he'd secretly been working on some great looking CD labels and jewel case packaging for our Bone MP3 downloads. He asked us to put them up on the Bone Soundtracks page, and so we have!
So now you have no excuse not to go pretty up your desktop, and your CD-R Bone soundtracks (which everyone should have in their CD changer at all times). Also you have no excuse not to watch that new machinima short, but you probably already watched it.
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