What? WHAT?! Surfin' the Highway coming back in print?!!

Surely I'm joking.
Oh, no, we don't joke about things like this.
Sam & Max are turning 20 this year (I know, they don't look a day over 19...) and to celebrate, Steve Purcell and Telltale are bringing back the complete Sam & Max collection, Surfin' the Highway, for your extreme reading pleasure. It'll be printed later this year and available in Telltale's very own store.
In addition to the same ooey, gooey goodness of the original, the new edition of Surfin' the Highway will feature some brand spanking new content (mostly stuff that's come out in the 10+ years since the book was originally published) and a new cover. Plus you won't have to trade an arm, a leg, and your first born child to get your hands on it. Good stuff.
Check out the official press release, and/or send us an email to request a notification when the book shows up in the store.
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