Sam & Max Hit it Big: History of Sam & Max Part 3

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
I'm sure everyone reading this religiously checks the Summer of Sam & Max page religiously every Tuesday afternoon, knowing that there's guaranteed new never-before-seen Sam & Max content waiting for them, and therefore you were all disappointed yesterday afternoon to find the page tragically devoid of new stuff. Whoops. Let's just say the new piece - the History of Sam & Max Part 3 - went up at 3 am this morning. Ho ho, that was fun, I can tell you. Anyway, eat, and enjoy.

This week's installment in our chronicle of Sam & Max's long and tumultuous past is all about the mid to late 90s, and Sam & Max's brief flirtation with mass-culture fame and fortune, in the form of a 150 page trade paperback comic compilation and, of course, their animated Saturday morning cartoon on the Fox Kids programming block.

Check it out! It won't disappoint! Thanks as usual to Emily and to Steve Purcell for rifling through the archives and putting this all together.
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