Summer of Sam & Max: The scourge of soda abuse

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
imageThe Summer of Sam & Max is barreling along, well over the half-way mark now, with no sign of stopping!

What's happening this week: This week brings all things Episode 4: Three new commentary tracks - one by the design team, one by the development team, and one by the guys at Bay Area Sound - as well as the usual bevvy of concept art, a Q&A with Dave Grossman, and Brendan's latest "Play it Again" list of the dusty corners you might have missed on your first Abe Lincoln playthrough.

The reason you care: This update is also a momentous occasion because it's the first one to feature an appearance on the commentary tracks by yours truly, mumbling about the war song or something. Everyone else is extremely insightful and entertaining, and totally unafraid to mention every time Sam or Max does a "point up" animation, so you should probably get watching while the watching is good.


Bonus marketing message: Of course, it's also worth mentioning that all the video content appearing during the Summer of Sam & Max is also available in super high quality archival form as part of the Season One disc which we're selling on our store! (or giving to you for free if you already bought the full Season One download set)

The disc has all six episodes of the game (free of online activation to boot!) along with a DVD video layer containing all the aforementioned Summer commentary tracks, as well as trailers, machinima shorts, and a bunch of other video goodies you'll have to find for yourself. So, check that out, too.
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