E for All fun

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
Well, the good news is that Nick, Will*, and I made it to LA. But not without some drama. I'll give you the Cliff Notes version now while I wait for a super secret file that Jake wasn't quite done tinkering with when I left to download. (Hint: This super secret file will be on display at our E for All booth AND will hit the web on Thursday. So make sure you're either at the LA Convention Center or on the internet that day. We're all counting on you.)

Okay, so the first bad thing was when the cab that was supposed to show up at 4:15... didn't. At 4:18 I called the cab company to find out where it was. At 4:25 I finally got off hold and was able to speak to a human being, who told me that the cab driver didn't want to come back to my house because if he did, he'd get penalized for not having shown up initially. I mentioned that we'd been standing on the sidewalk since 4:00 and no cabs had come by. The dispatcher said "It won't be much longer" and we hung up.

So, 4:35 rolls around and the cab still hasn't shown. Our flight was at 6:00 and we had a ton of bags to check so I was starting to panic. [readmore] While I waited on hold (again), Will called a different cab company who said they'd send someone right over. At 4:53, the second cab showed up and we piled in with all our bags and said "Quick, follow that car!" (Okay, we didn't, but it might have been funny in a "we're about to miss our flight so everything's funny, except when it's not" kind of way.) Meanwhile the dispatchers from the original cab company were so busy arguing with each other about the fact that no one had picked us up that they didn't hear me saying "Never mind, we just got in someone else's cab" and I took the bold measure of hanging up on them. So there, Yellow Cab.

My panic had subsided to a dull anxiety by this point, but we were still in very real danger of not getting on the flight. We got to the airport at just the time that we would have been cut off from checking luggage and dashed to the nearest curbside check-in. And then! The guy looked up our flight and said it was delayed. I have never been so happy to hear those words. I think I actually said "YES!" and did an air pump with my fist. It was mildly embarrassing.

In future I should be careful what I wish for, because the 6:00 flight ended up being delayed until almost 8:00 and we didn't get to our hotel in LA until well after 10:00. Amazingly, everything in LA has gone smoothly, from our bags being the first ones off the chute (guess it pays to show up at the airport late!) to the drive from the airport to the hotel being boring and uneventful. Now all we have to do is get through a day of set-up and four days of convention. Piece(s) of cake.

Despite the picture-less nature of this blog, I assure you we DID bring along a working camera (two, in fact!) and will be taking pictures of the whole extravaganza. Watch the blog for more E for All goodness all the rest of this week. Oh yeah, and don't forget that melty-good surprise headed for the site on Thursday. It makes me smile, and I have no doubt you'll do the same. Hell, you might even go "YES!" and pump your fist in the air. (Don't worry, we won't tell anyone.)

If you are planning to be at E for All, come see us at booth 1123! We'll have an exclusive Ice Station Santa demo available for your playing pleasure, and of course all the merchandise we could cram into our suitcases and the delight of meeting Telltalians in person. And c'mon, how can you miss out on that?

*Telltale's new lead tester, for those not in the know.
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