Well, did you?

I'm happy to announce that the official "Did you try...?" list for each Sam & Max episode is now accessible from its official episode page, which means you officially have a reason to replay each and every Sam & Max game we've released so far. (And the web team can officially check off one more task from our never-ending "to do" list.)
These lists, penned by our own Brendan Q. Ferguson, point you in the direction for some bonus jokes and Easter eggs that you may have missed the first time around. Some people say adventure games have no replay value, but to that we say, "Not true!" Now you have an excellent excuse to play an episode all over again, which is a great way to pass the time while you're waiting for the next episode to launch.
The most recent "did you try" list, for Night of the Raving Dead, is right here. The rest of them are on their respective episode pages, which you can get to from the Sam & Max homepage. Happy replaying!
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