Sam & Max interviewed by JeuxVideo

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

To celebrate the end of Season Two, French gaming site JeuxVideo checked in with the dog and rabbity thing themselves to get their take on our Sam & Max games, the Freelance Police legacy, and important details such as who chooses Sam's tie in the morning. Many thanks to Steve Purcell for channeling Sam & Max for this interview!

Head over to JeuxVideo to read the interview in French, or just keep reading for the English version.


Since the beginning of Season One back in 2006, it seems that you're continuously coming out with new episodes, videos or demos to present. Isn't this pace exhausting for you guys, after your 15-year break?

image Nah, it's just about right. It's not like we actually have to DO anything.

image We're depicted by patented, computer-generated simulacrums called "sythespians". They act up a storm for just pennies and except for the dead, soulless looks on their pasty, inhuman mugs I actually prefer them to our real selves!


What have you done during this break to keep yourselves busy and to avoid going completely nuts?

image I've been working on a toothpick sculpture of Saint Philips Cathedral as seen from my small room on the ground floor of London Hospital. Oh wait, that was Elephant Man.

image I cloned a parrot man from instructions on the internet and common items found in the home! We're hip deep in parrot DNA back at the flat if you want me to make you one!

image Sorry, Sam. My folks were in town and I used up all the parrot DNA.

image Crude monster!

Your career started in comic books and eventually reached the video game world in 1993 with Sam & Max Hit the Road. You also had your own little animated series on TV in the late 90's only to finally come back to the game world with a series of new games. Except for the big screen, it seems that you have tried almost every popular media. What's the next step? A movie? A musical? A collection of Sam and Max poems?

See? Never let him go second.

image Sam & Max Bunraku! That's exactly what I hear all the crazy kids yammering for down at the rock and roll sock hop ball.

image I'd like to be a nine-story Macys Thanksgiving Day balloon. I want to kick the gassey rubberized asses of all the other cartoon character balloons and then spend the day gaping into the high windows of expensive Manhattan hotel rooms hoping to catch a chilling glimpse of some kind of high class perversion.

Comics, game and TV. Which one of them gives you all the freedom you need to express yourselves?

On TV you can become famous for having interesting hair!
image In comics you get to utter dynamic phrase like "GAAAAAH" and "Gasp, Choke, AIIIEEEEEE!" You can be killed and come back again at the fleeting whim of the marketplace, and if you murder people and then feel sad in the next panel you're thought to be "complicated". In a PC game, the otherwise simple act of lighting a car on fire becomes a fairly involved series of rewarding tasks.

How and where did you both meet?

Really? Cause I thought we met in third grade when I stole back your sack lunch from that kindergartener that beat the snot out of you.

image In the 12th Century I was a club-footed nomadic stone mason and Max was a bog person. Our colorful misadventures are the stuff of many a strolling medieval troubadour.

image Oh yeah. I forgot.

Who came up with the Freelance Police idea? Could you tell us a little bit more about this job? What does it mean to be a freelance police officer? And what does it take to be in that field?

image MY idea! We memorized the United States Constitution–

image –Not that old wrinkly brown one, the new, much scarier one that WE thought up!

image They still talk about our spectacular blood oath down at Emergency Medical Services!

image Not any lunatic is suited for this line of work. You have to be committed. And when I say committed, I actually mean committed.

What other jobs did you consider before opening your own office?

I wanted to be a Teminator but they require you have an armored hyperalloy skeleton and mine's mostly recycled truck tires.
image I dabbled in jelly-donut jelly manufacture and insertion. Our society rests on the shoulders of those giants.

Sam, is there really a commissioner on the phone each time you pick it up? I've always suspected you to do ventriloquism.

image Shhhh! Why would you question the existence of the Commissioner? Don't you know he's everywhere? He knows we're talking about him right now!

image He's knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake!

image We believe in you Commissioner! Smite this doubting whatever-his-name-is!

Who chooses Sam's tie every morning? Is that person aware that he or she always picks the same tie?

image It's just the one. Made of indestructible ballistic nylon – a high school graduation gift from my sweet Granny.

image Bless her brittle, coagulated ventricles.

The association of your two names is now closely linked to adventure games. What kind of other games would you consider staring in?

image I think our wildly colorful personas are suited for any kind of game, especially full contact Yahtzee!

image What? How does that work?

image I don't know. I just like saying Yahtzee in normal conversation.

Now that you're stars, isn't there something you could possibly do to give a hand your former friends still at Lucasarts and get them started on new games of their own? I'm thinking about Bernard, Guybrush, Zak and Ben.

image I hear somebody plugged those guys into a semi-permanent cryogenic stasis.

image And then forgot to pay the utility bill.

Any news from Bruno the bigfoot and Trixie the Giraffe-Necked Girl? Do they have kids? What do they look like??

image Ecchh! Why'd you say that? I was about to go to lunch. Now I have to think about delicious things for ten minutes to get myself back in the mood for a foot-long meatball sub.

image They've started some kind of hippie commune catering to abused circus performers. Sounds like a million laughs.

What's Sam and Max's future looking like? Ready to sign on for a third season?

image What the hell! Bring it on!

image That could require a lot of slogging, thankless toil that we won't personally need to be any part of. Excellent idea!

Last question, what are you going to do in the next five minutes, now that the interview is over?

image Watering the porcelain hobbyhorse! Thanks for asking!

image I'm going to rehabilitate a troubled, misguided street urchin, over and over again until my knuckles are raw.
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