Surfin' the Highway hardcover update

It's been a while now since we first started taking orders for the limited edition hardcover of Sam & Max Surfin' the Highway*, and I'm sure many of you are wondering what's going on. Truthfully, for a while there, the answer to that would have been "not a whole lot." After some (assuredly hilarious) hijinks, however, things are now moving forward at a freakishly rapid rate.
The entirety of the hardcover is off at the printers, being pored over like some newly unearthed holy text -- by a group of pressmen whose knowledge of how ink, paper, and glue work would probably kill you -- to make sure that we put it together right. And, as you can see pictured above, Steve Purcell has been diligently signing and numbering all 2,500 book plates to be slapped (very delicately) onto the first page of each hardcover. (He said he could go through about 500 in the span of a 2-hour film. A fun weekend in, for sure.)
Stay tuned for some more details (like, what the finished product will look like!**) in the coming week or so, as everyone signs off on the book and printing begins. Once everything is approved and we can see some guy actually carrying it over to the printing press, we'll let you know that it's time to start watching your mailbox.
* We've still got 'em in stock, too. Do it!
** Hint: It will look awesome.
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