New SBCG4AP details - Homestar Ruiner!

With the premiere of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People fast approaching and the official launch of WiiWare this week, it seemed like a good time to spill some more beans about the series -- just the news you've been waiting for!
The first episode, Homestar Ruiner, kicks off a typical day in the House of Strong, with our hero answering emails, dominating in video games, and setting out to pummel his enemies. Then Strong Bad's scheme to win the tri-annual Race to the End of the Race lands him with an unwanted guest: his dimwitted adversary, Homestar Runner. Now Strong Bad must find a way to get the disgraced athlete back on the Free Country, USA A-list (and out of his house).
Homestar Ruiner is the first of five SBCG4AP episodes, and will be available for WiiWare and PC. We'll dish out some more details before the launch, but until then, the new gameplay video and screenshots on the Strong Bad page should tide you over. And don't forget about the dev blog, which is updated by Strong Bad himself (almost) every week!
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