This is why we can't have nice things

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
As some of you may have noticed, we are currently hiring for a concept artist. In anticipation of this presumably awesome person who will someday work for us, I found myself placing an order for a 21 inch Wacom Cintiq tablet. Once the deliveryman left us our new toy, I set it up on an empty desk and walked away, brushing the dirt from my hands with a smug sense of accomplishment.

Unfortunately, a number of other people in the office realized that they could use this unattended toy to actually draw things on. Begrudgingly, I present to you, our fine readers, the results of leaving a tablet out in the office for a week.

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Daniel Herrera Jake Rodkin Kevin Bruner Mai Nguyen
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Seg + Guest Nick Herman Pete Aleman Pete Aleman
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Shaun Finney Jason Findley ??? ???
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??? ??? ??? ???
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KC Coleman, staying late at work supervising the awesomeness that is Sam & Max Wii
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