The update you've been waiting for

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
Okay, maybe this isn't the update you've been waiting for, but it's an update, and we know you've been waiting!

It occurred to me today that it's been a while since we let you guys in on what we're up to. Lest you think that's because we're slacking off on the beach, I assure you, it's because we're all really busy doing stuff that you'll be thankful for later on. Like what? Oh, stuff like planning for Comic-Con, where there will be a signing with Steve and plenty of hands-on time with Sam & Max Wii and Strong Bad for people who attend the show, and rambling blogs so those of you who aren't attending can live vicariously through our sleep deprived haze. We're doing panels at Comic-Con, too... the schedule hasn't been announced yet, but as soon as it is, we'll clue you in! We've also got the Season Two DVD and some other new merchandise coming to the store soon, so woo!

On top of this, we're making some games! Sam & Max for the Wii has reached the stage where the Wii fairy touches it with her wand and, with a poof of magical sparkles, it turns into a real live game on store shelves. (Watch for it at retail this fall!) Then there's Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People... just because we're not talking about it doesn't mean we're not working on it! A lot of people have been asking us about the release date, and you can rest easy that as soon as we know when the game will launch, we'll pass the details on to you. Don't forget, the WiiWare and PC releases of SBCG4AP will be simultaneous! Everyone wins!

We're also plugging away on our super secret, not yet announced game series and it's coming along swimmingly. We should be able to spill some details pretty soon, which is good, because this game looks too good to keep it a secret much longer. (Okay, fine, you want a hint? It's a pretty big franchise, and one I bet none of you are expecting...)

So yeah, lots going on around here, and it's time for me to quit gabbing and get back to doing my job. Whatever happened to taking summers off?
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