The Strong Bad reviews are in!
Former Telltale Staff
In theater, there is a tradition of staying up all night after a premiere, anxiously awaiting the reviews that will hit in the next morning's paper. It would be romantic to say that's what happened with the Strong Bad reviews (and after all the sugar on Monday, we certainly had enough jittery energy to stay up all night!), but the internet is a living beast, and the reviews have been rolling in all week with no sign of stopping. And guess what? They're pretty damn good! (Not to mention that, as WiiWare-World announced yesterday, Homestar Ruiner is currently the #1 game on WiiWare...)
Here is some of the awesome praise we've been seeing for Homestar Ruiner, the premiere episode of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People:
N-Europe, 9/10
SBCG4AP is virtual proof that the point-and-click adventure game is alive and well, and still extremely fun and rewarding to play. This is one of the funniest and best Wii games released to date, period. And the best? There's still four more installments to come starting with Strong Badia the Free next month. Bring. It. On.
Wired Game|Life Blog, 8/10
I had a great time just walking around and clicking on things just to see what happened, as exploration is always rewarded with, at least, a witty remark from Strong Bad. The 3-D graphics replicate the 2-D Flash animation surprisingly well -- it's as if you're playing an episode of the show. Even being familiar with Telltale's work, I was genuinely surprised at just how much content is packed into this first episode.
[readmore]4 Color Rebellion, 8/10
Homestar Ruiner is another top notch adventure game from the boys and girls at Telltale. It is obvious that the developers put a lot of thought into how to refine the experience for WiiWare, and the user interface alone should position Strong Bad as the template for future Wii adventure games. The extra love and attention that Telltale has put into the title is just the icing on an already delicious cake.
Nintendo Wii Fanboy, 8.5/10
In the end, the first episode of Telltale's game based on the email-checking dude is quite fun and an excellent piece of fan service to folks that love the universe here. You'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll kick The Cheat into the dryer like a million times. So, if you enjoy point-and-click adventures or the whole Homestar Runner thing, then be sure to give this a download.
Hardcore Gamer Magazine Online, 4.5/5
The game looks very crisp, and Telltale did a fantastic job of taking Homestar from two dimensions to three. ... The puzzles themselves are interesting and engaging, clever enough to keep the player on their toes but not so difficult that they leave the player frustrated and unable to solve them.
IGN, 8.1/10
Telltale's first episodic Homestar effort is a decent point-and-click game, but its real allure is the peculiar brand of humor fans of the show have come to love. It is obvious Homestar creators Matt and Mike Chapman have been heavily involved in Strong Bad's Cool Game and this is not a cheap cash-in on the license., "Buy it!"
For an episodic release, I am taken aback by how much content Telltale crammed into Homestar Ruiner. Completing the story takes something like 3-6 hours by itself depending on your knowledge of adventure games and how much time you spend taking in all of the dialogue trees with each character, and on top of that are all sorts of cool Easter eggs and side activities to discover.
The story is paced well, the puzzles are never frustrating, the interface is simplified to the point of idiot-proof. It's one of the most accessible titles on the market. Homestar fans who've never played a game in their life should be able to get from beginning to end without any bumps in the road — and that's good, because this game seems like an opportunity to bring people on board who shy away from gaming. Everybody loves Strong Bad., 8.8/10
It's pretty rare you get a game that someone is really happy to just sit and watch you play while you furiously work your way through it for review. But through out reviewing Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People: Homestar Ruiner, I wasn't alone in hysterical fits of laughter as we maneuvered Strong Bad on his awesome adventure. We've all been pretty excited about Strong Bad, and throughout the first play through I had at least one person watching, with four people gathered around the TV at one point. If that's not a good example of why a game is awesome, I don't know what is.
Games32, 87%
The game brings loads of fun, both for the fans of the comics and the newcomers. Because the puzzles usually don't require a lot of brainstorming, you just need to sit back and prepare for a good laugh.
GamePro Arcade, 4.75/5
"Homestar Ruiner" is an impressive opening episode. Strong Bad is off to a great start.
Zentendo, 8/10
Wii owners should consider themselves lucky that and Telltale games have given the Wii a bizzare yet awesome game series. It is well worth the investment and can be enjoyed by just about anyone without being dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. If you are a long time fan of the cartoon, consider it a 9.
If you're a Homestar Runner fan, you already believed you needed this game, and you were right. For everyone else, I definitely recommend giving SBCG4AP a whirl. You'll have no idea why you’re laughing at first, but then it'll dawn on you — you are laughing. Welcome to the fold, my friends.
But wait, there's more! Of course, there are many more reviews out there... more than I can keep track of, honestly. (If you sent a link and I didn't include it here, I'm sorry!) Bottom line is, we're thrilled at the good reception, and can't wait to bring you episode two. And three... and four... and five........
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