We're off to PAX!

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
Man, the airport is empty at 5:00 in the morning.

Anyway, we're off to PAX! Today half of the group heads out to build our booth and get everything set up, and tomorrow the other half will show up to take place in Telltale's panel and enjoy the general revelry that is PAX. We'll be at booth 612 (right in front of the entrance to the exhibit hall... can't miss us!) Sam & Max and Strong Bad will be playable, we'll have merch for sale, and depending on the time of day and the amount of sleep we got the night before, we may even engage in intelligent conversation.

If you're in Seattle, come see us! And you'll definitely want to check out our panel, "Make a Scene with Telltale: The Strong Bad Edition," which is at 7:30 on Friday in the Raven Theater. Unfortunately the internet is thwarting my attempts to post the panel description here, and my flight is about to board, but trust me, it'll be awesome.
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