Strong Bad finale comes to Europe, and awards come rolling in!

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
The final Strong Bad episode, 8-Bit Is Enough, was released today on European WiiWare. What a great way to usher in the new year!

Also, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People has been picking up some distinctive awards, including Best Voice Acting from IGN and Most Characters Without Arms from GameTunnel.

Voting is now open for Nintendo Power's Game of the Year awards, and SBCG4AP is up for a bunch of them, including WiiWare GOTY, Adventure GOTY, Overall GOTY, and Best Sound / Voice Acting. Please vote for Strong Bad in the awards!!

Last but not least, if you happened to miss it in the shuffle of the holidays, make sure to check out the enlightening conclusion of Behind the Bad. You won't be sorry.
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