Trogday: Extended Cut

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Well, the winner and runners-up of our Trogdor Contest have had their moment in the spotlight, but there were a bunch of other really great submissions that I wanted to toss up on the blog so that everyone could get a glimpse at them. So I am now doing exactly that. These are posted in no particular order, but it's actually really close to alphabetical, now that I think about it. Anyway, enjoy!

arts-n-crafts! arts-n-crafts! arts-n-crafts! arts-n-crafts!

First Row: A sculpted fight scene from Charris Dolecki; a vaguely LEGO-esque dragon by Armyworm2; a 3D Peasantry burnination scene from Phillip; an epic beefy-armed struggle between Trogdor and the S is for Sucks dragon by ted park.

arts-n-crafts! arts-n-crafts! arts-n-crafts! arts-n-crafts!

Second Row: A sweet snow globe from, erm, Mr. Poo; some edgy graffiti (hopefully lawful) by Bryan G; a rather epic mosaic/standee by James Olson; a painted depiction of the dragon with Strong Bad in the foreground by Casey White.

Thanks again to everyone for entering!

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