Breaking news: Wallace & Gromit launching on XBLA and PC this spring!
Former Telltale Staff
"Here they come!!"
We've long believed that XBLA is an excellent platform for episodic games, and we're super excited to be making our debut* with Wallace & Gromit. We even designed a new UI specifically for the Xbox controls. Before long you'll see for yourself, but for the moment you'll have to take my word for it that this series is shaping up to be Telltale's most cinematic endeavor yet.
Which brings me to the second piece of news... you won't have to take my word for it much longer, because we've revealed today that Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures will be launching in the spring. Hey, that's soon!
We'll have a lot more info to share as we build up to the release, so get ready for Telltale to kick into Wallace & Gromit overdrive! Of course, our newsletter is a great way to keep up on our latest announcements (plus it's pretty entertaining, if I do say so myself). Sign up for it today and we promise we'll let you know when Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures is available.
Special bonus deal: Through the end of February, we're offering a FREE Sam & Max or Strong Bad episode to new newsletter subscribers. You get to keep up on Wallace & Gromit news AND play a free game while waiting for the new series to launch. Too good to be true! (And yet, it IS true!) Here's the page you want -- go do it!
In honor of this momentous announcement, we've put up some new Wallace & Gromit screenshots. Check them out here. Then, please join us on the forum to talk about the upcoming series!
*Not so subtle hint: additional XBLA announcements will be coming in the near future!
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