A note on Wii SD storage updates. Also, get Strong Bad.

Just wanted to mention something for all the players of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People on WiiWare. There's a new update out for the Wii Menu system which adds a new "SD Card" channel, and also adds a couple of useful functions to your Wii.
First—and possibly most important to those folks who struggled to put all 5 Strong Bad episodes on their Wii storage space—you can now store games and play them on the Wii semi-directly from the SD card. A game on the card will load into the Wii's memory (this takes about 15-20 seconds; we tried it and it seemed pretty painless) and then run the game.
Second, the Wii now supports larger-sized SD cards (up to 32GB), meaning you can now store many more Virtual Console and WiiWare titles in one place.
If the memory limitations of the Wii console have put you off buying downloadable stuff on WiiWare in the past, it seems as though Nintendo has taken a sizable step forward into making it a decent experience. Why not pick up the Strong Bad games?
If you've got no idea what I'm talking about, let me refresh your memory about our Strong Bad games:
"…most games only wish they had half as much personality and humor as this one." - IGN"SBCG4AP is virtual proof that the point-and-click adventure game is alive and well, and still extremely fun and rewarding to play. This is one of the funniest and best Wii games released to date, period." - N-Europe
"The extra love and attention that Telltale has put into the title is just the icing on an already delicious cake." - 4 Color Rebellion
Don't got 'em? Get 'em.