Monkey Island review roundup: Narwhals approved

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff
LeChuck! Grrrrrr..

Lots of very nice reviews have come in for "Launch of the Screaming Narwhal", the first chapter of Tales of Monkey Island. It looks like a lot of people out there liked it, which makes us smile! Here's a rundown of some of the reviews that have been posted so far:

1UP - A

Whether or not you've ever experienced Monkey Island's ridiculous puzzles and eccentric characters, this is a great opportunity to explore the reemerging world of adventure gaming.

Team Teabag - 10/10

I wanted to try to find something not to like about this game – I wanted the new control scheme to be painful to use, the story to make no sense, the soundtrack to feature My Chemical Romance – anything negative at all to use as evidence that the franchise has jumped the proverbial shark...But it hasn't in the slightest.


DarkZero - 9/10

Visually the game is a joy to behold and this is the first game in the series that has full 3D environments seen from a third-person dynamic viewpoint. I've long been a big fan of the 2D art style for adventure games, but now we're finally at a point where 3D isn't taking anything away from the visual detail and overall playability. The opening sequence at sea is a great showcase, with the stormy weather, rocking boats and eerie steel band music conjuring a wonderful atmosphere.

Steam Friends - 9/10

I enjoyed every moment of it. Tales of Monkey Island feels like a series which has got it's mojo back. It's clever, witty, charming and, most importantly, an answer to the critics. As long as Telltale keep this up for the next four releases, this series is exactly what they needed to launch their little company into the mainstream.

Now Gamer - 9/10

If the full season of Tales can keep up to this same high standard then it will be the best Telltale serial to date and will also be able to take its place alongside the classic LucasArts entries with pride. - 9/10

If you like pirates and laughing, this game's for you.

Destructoid - 9/10, Editors' Choice

"Launch of the Screaming Narwhal" is a solid adventure title with a bunch of style and a ton of character and humor. My love of Monkey Island should be noted, of course, but it's hard to ignore what's at work here: the style, wit, and puzzles make this a wonderful adventure title worth the price of admission. Check it out. - 9/10

As a fan on the Monkey Island games, it's been a real treat to see Guybrush and friends back in action. Telltale has brought back Monkey Island and given it a new look for a new generation of players, but left enough of established norms intact that long-time players can enjoy it too.

Endsights - 9/10

Tales of Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal is a great addition to any adventure gamer's library. The game should please longtime fans of Monkey Island, as well as players who have yet to experience the series.

The Next Level - 4.5/5

For those of you who have been hoping against hope for a true Monkey Island 5, this is it. - 5/5

Telltale really nailed it with good story, snappy dialogue, spot on atmosphere, fun animations and designs, perfect voice acting and beautiful music. What more could Monkey Island fans want?

Even more Monkey Island reviews!

So, what did you think?

Bonus Fact: If you're stuck in the game, check out our Launch of the Screaming Narwhal Walkthrough; it's been up for awhile, but we forgot to mention it!

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