Q: What's another word for pirate treasure?

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Professor BootyWe're rolling out a new feature for Tales of Monkey Island today: Treasure Hunting! Until the end of the season, we'll be releasing maps on various locations on the web, which can be used within Tales of Monkey Island to uncover some cool Monkey Island extras.

Once you discover a new treasure map, open up the first chapter of Tales of Monkey Island—Launch of the Screaming Narwhal (it works on the demo, too!)—and select "Treasure Hunt" from the game menu. Guybrush will arrive in the jungles of Flotsam Island, where you can have him start searching for the X. Once you find it, you'll be awarded some swag back at telltalegames.com.

Ready? Find out more about treasure hunting!

A: Why, I think it's booty.

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