Get Tales of Monkey Island individual episodes on!

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Some big news today for anyone who's been looking to purchase individual episodes of Tales of Monkey Island! Telltale is pleased to announce that we've partnered with, fine purveyor of everything, to bring you the individual chapters of Tales of Monkey Island in downloadable form from their site!

So, if you want to test the waters with "Launch of the Screaming Narwhal" before signing on for the full season, you can do so right now over at

And the best part? Once you've played through Chapter One and decided that you're ready for four more episodes of Monkey awesomeness (as we're sure that you will be ;) you'll be able to subtract the cost of your initial purchase from the price of the remaining episodes so that you can still get the full season for just $34.95! We're still working out the details of exactly how this is going to work, but we'll keep you informed here on the blog with any new updates as they become available.

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