PAX Wrap-up

Whoops, things got quiet in here for a little bit!
After an eventful weekend at the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle, things are returning to normal at the office. Expense reports are being filed, backorders are being cleared, and future schemes are definitely being hatched. PAX 2009 went by very quickly, but was very fun (and packed)! Here's what went down at the show, in words and pictures:
Over at the TTG booth, we talked with a lot of cool folks who came over to visit us, gave away several thousand buttons, demoed of a bunch of Telltale episodes, showed off some cool Monkey Island artifacts in our Museum of Things, signed some stuff, and sold some merchandise (including a debut of our new Monkey Island poster print). It is always great—if initially terrifying—to see so many people crowded around the mighty piers of the Telltale booth and getting excited about our stuff.
We also flew in Liz (alias "lizink"), the winner of our Designer for a Day contest, to hang out with us during the show! Her line, "He dug up my perfectly good X!!" was admired by site visitors, Tales of Monkey Island designers, and panel attendees alike.
Elsewhere at PAX, our Make a Scene panel on Saturday was packed with Monkey Island fans. Hundreds of folks like you helped to create a brief but memorable exchange between LeChuck, Morgan LeFlay, and Guybrush, with the guidance of TTG panelists Mark Darin, Dave Grossman, Kevin Bruner, and the skills of Eric Parsons and Jon Sgro to put it all together during the Q&A section. We tried to hide Dominic Armato among the throngs of MI fans, but our ruse failed rather quickly, and Dom instead took up the mantle of director for the impromptu voice-recording sessions that followed. We'll post the video up soon!
Apart from several Telltale Team members suffering PAX-related health effects and a fair amount of exhaustion afterward, it was a really great time, and we'll definitely be back next year!