Spread Pirate Awareness

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Won't you help?Hello there, or rather, "Ahoy". This post is an effort to bring to light the fact that this is Pirate Awareness Week here at Telltale. All too often, people go about their daily lives without giving a single thought to the pirates of yore and their fabled adventures on 17th century seas. We intend to change that.

You might already know that this Saturday (September 19th) is International Talk like a Pirate Day, a holiday founded in 1995 by and for pirate enthusiasts around the world. But is one day really enough to commemorate and celebrate pirate culture? Certainly, we're planning something special for this Saturday—and we'll tell you more about it soon!—but we've decided to start this year's festivities a little early, and we hope you'll join us. Won't you help?

Take a moment to participate in the following pirate activities, and stay tuned for more important Pirate Awareness events this week.

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