The Pumpkin King of Telltale

Ten pumpkins. One hour. The Telltale Team abandon nutrition to pursue... the Pumpkin Massacre '09.
The Challenge: create an awesome jack-o-lantern on lunch break.
Together, we battled skewers, stencils, scrapers and knives to bring art to the corpse of gourds...
Now, we bring you...
The Pumpkins of Telltale.
Read on, and be amazed!
[readmore]The documentation of our trials to become the Supreme Champion of the Pumpkin Patch are as follows:
Those who ascended the throne are rewarded handsomely with glittery things. Behold, Nick with his grand prize, as Eric and Graham display the spoils of pumpkin superiority.
Suspicious activity leads to the pumpkins quickly becoming infested, in proper Halloween fashion.
As our pumpkins live on in memory (unless this is the debut of a zombie-pumpkin epidemic) we urge you to avenge our creations that were taken before their time! Plunge sharp objects into orange squash with vigor, in the Halloween spirit! But remember...