Tales of Monkey Island Finale Available Now!

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

We helped him live, we watched him die, and now Guybrush Threepwood enters the next stage of the afterlife. Join him in his undaunted quest to control the Pox of LeChuck and restore peace to the entire Caribbean, a calling so bold that not even death can stop him. The Rise of the Pirate God is here.

A new LeChuck

The tales are coming to a close… If you have the full season of Monkey Island, download it from the My Telltale page! If you don't, the Tales are just beginning, play through all five episodes with no wait, no tantalizing cliffhangers, just a straight shot of Tales of Monkey Island goodness. Buy it here!

Steam users, the game goes live tomorrow on their system, so sit tight!

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