Our Telltale Heart for Haiti
Here at Telltale we are obsessed with the awesome. We spend hours and hours on little things that will push our games just a little higher on the awesome-scale. We try and throw awesome parties, have crazy-awesome competitions and occasionally watch awesome movies at awesome proportions.
When the awesome level in the world is threatened, we get on that. What happened in Haiti is at the top of our list. It is now estimated that upwards of 200,000 men, women and children have perished from the quake. In some areas, up to 90% of the buildings have been destroyed, including hospitals and schools.
Organizations like the Red Cross are there to bring the awesome back to the world. By making a donation, you can provide food, water, lodging and medical care to those in need. We are currently collecting donations in our office and we hope that fans like yourself will donate (if you haven't already). Even the smallest amount can make a difference!
Our Telltale Heart returns once more to aid Haiti in the wake of disaster. Visit OurTelltaleHeart.com to donate to the Red Cross and spread awesomeness worldwide.
Lindsay is the Lead Curator of Awesome at Telltale, responsible for many of the around-the-office events you see on the blog. In her spare time, she heads up HR and office management, but mainly concentrates on the Awesome.