Won't You Be My Neighbor?

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

We put Telltale Tuesday participants on the hunt for real estate by asking, if the Freelance Police were to move offices, what would their intersection be? A few enterprising fans scoped out the neighborhood and suggested thus:

Point & Click


Time St. & Space Ave.


Maybe not the best area of the city, but Down Street seems popular:

Keep it on the Down & Low.


Down & Out


Maybe not the best areas of the city, but the rent is cheap:

Cruel & Unusual


Freeze & Dirtbag


Red Light District?:

Corner of Wink Rd and Nod Street.

Bryan Clendening

Instead of a massive commission check, our winners get a free game episode and a realtor career path booklet. Pretty sweet haul. Next Tuesday we have more top-of-our-head prompts for you, to fuel our villainous plan to invade and decode your brain waves. For science!

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