Telltale Tuesdays!

Closing in fast like a Prismatology recruiter, it's...
We've all found ourselves flipping channels on the TV, looking for a dose of entertainment. Ho hum, seen that episode of Cooking Without Looking. Another Prismatology infomercial. Soda Poppers re-runs. Midtown Cowboys.
What the TV at the Freelance Police HQ needs is some more pizazz. What do you suggest?
Think of a public access TV show starring or hosted by any Sam and Max character.
If you're a TV producer at heart, you could win a free game episode! Answer here in the blog, on Facebook or Twitter, whichever speaks to your creative soul. Contest ends tomorrow, March 10th at noon PST (That's 8pm GMT) so flip around the stations and see what inspires and appalls you: then pass it on.
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