Wrap-Up Wednesdays!

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Another night of flipping channels, and it's all reruns. But wait! Telltale Tuesday participants opened our eyes to the glory of premium programming... Why have normal, boring channels when you can have shows like this!:

Whizzer's Best Thing I Ever Drank


Can I shoot it, Sam? with Sam and Max


Leave it to Peepers


Specs and the City


Will It Bleed? starring Flint Paper


Get a Job! with Sybil Pandemic. A reality TV show in which the participants are given a different job roughly every four weeks.


You Crack Me Up, Little Buddy: A Drug Documentary


The entertainment lasts weeks! Each esteemed TV show producer gets a free Telltale episode and a burgeoning fanbase to commemorate their show. Fansite and Moderator team not included.

PSSST, before you go... If you've been down about the lack of news floating through the blog-waves, don't despair. We have some interesting stuff coming your way (though to call anything more interesting than Telltale Tuesday is heresy, let's be honest here). Clear some space on your desks... and stay tuned.

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