Wrap It Up

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

When it comes to disastrous recipes and harrowing ingredients, hats off to you, Telltale fans. You successfully grossed out the web team when we asked you to supply hazardous and disgusting dishes. You should be proud, and I should learn my lesson.

If you'd like to test your iron stomach, here are some of gems of the Cooking Without Looking Cookbook!

Poisson a la Poison
Gema Alcorta

Spring water flambé.
Jason Glaser

Ham 'n' Wax: Freelance Dish
Connor Mountain

Pulled Groin Pork Loin.
Jon Marable

Max's Nitroglycerin Bomb-Bons

Chocolate Ice Cream with Bee Stinger Sprinkles.

Shy Eel Surprise: You'll need your set of rusty knives and a pitch black area to slice the eel for preparation.

Rocky Roadkill Ice Cream

Soylent Greenbeans

As a settlement for all the lawsuits we'll be getting from their submissions, the makers of these culinary atrocities earn a free Telltale episode and an invoice for the damage caused. That'll teach ya to be creative on the internet!

So let's get serious for a minute. Sometimes the best way to give people what they want, is to ask. Telltale Tuesday is YOUR day... what do you think of it? We'd like to know your opinions on our community events- Love 'em? Have a critique? Tell all.

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