We Get Around: Gamespot and PAX East
Former Telltale Staff
The Devil's Playhouse is fast approaching but maybe you still hunger for more information... here's another tidbit to whet your appetite.
Chuck Jordan is appearing on Today On The Spot show tomorrow, Saturday 3/27, ready to talk about designing The Devil's Playhouse. Tune in for the unique wit and snark that we expect from Chuck. We're just happy he's out of the office for a few hours. Ah... peace.
That's pretty awesome, but are you at PAX East? (Lucky.)
(We're not jealous or anything.)
(We so are.)
Though we are not there as a company, we do have a few roaming Telltalers stalking through the halls of PAX! If you catch a glimpse of Seg or Carl, they may have a Devil's Playhouse button for you to wear. Just ask nicely.
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